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Luna Yoga & Dance
Founded in 2019, Luna Studio is the top destination in Hong Kong for yoga, dance and fitness, creating beautiful spaces where everyone can belong.
Luna Studio was founded by Man Chee Leung and Joanna Ng with the intention of creating the highest quality centre for true wellbeing and dance performance for both adults and children . Places that combine the two key elements of yoga and dance and that support a community of teachers and students who feel Luna is their home – that they belong here.
Our studio name ‘Luna’ is a latin word, meaning moon. Hatha yoga translates as Ha (sun) Tha (moon) yoga (to yoke, union) so basically the intention of this ancient practice is to join/balance the solar and lunar energies in our bodies/minds.
However nowadays modern life is busy, we underused our body but overused our mind. By practising yoga and dance, we can reconnect and embrace our feminine and intuitive moon side, balancing our high achieving mindset represented by the sun side.
We’ve created Luna Studio to be a sanctuary away from the noise and bustle of Hong Kong life; somewhere calm and tranquil, that can be a part of people’s everyday lives. We also provide a safe and loving place for our future generations to discover their own uniqueness and beauty through dancing.
Our mission
To warm everyone’s heart, by providing true care, and the highest quality teaching in a real joyful and welcoming environment.
Our values
Authenticity – We honour the history of yoga from the ancient indian sutra and Chinese traditional philosophy of dance and movement, as well as the changing landscape by sharing a wide range of authentic style of classes. Yoga and Dance is not just what we do in the studio, but also transform the way that we live our life.
Excellence – We are home to professional and caring yoga and dance teachers, equipped with well rounded knowledge, anatomy, philosophy and practical hands-on adjustment.
Blissful- We believe being focus on the presence is the key of happiness, and when we practise yoga and dance, we are fully connected to the presence.